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英语校园新闻范文 第1篇

网友分享:China, Japan youths encouraged to pursue China-Japan friendship 中日友好往来的 Chinese President Hu Jintao on Tuesday hosted a banquet in the Great Hall of the People for a Japanese delegation, urging young 。

英语校园新闻范文 第2篇

We are all students right now. School is a very important part of our lives because we can learn many things in school .

I love school and here are my reasons why. For one thing,my teachers are excellent . They always help me to improve. I'm so lucky,because they are very patient and kind. Another reason is my classmates and I are good friends. We always help each other when we study together. We are like a team. When we play games and enjoy activities,we always have so much fun.

My schoolwork keeps me busy because I have homework every day. I have quizzes and tests all the time. But I like learning new things because I'm preparing for the future. My school is like my second home. I always feel fortable and wele in school. Many students feel the same way about school as I do.

英语校园新闻范文 第3篇

September × × × × × × school ushered in the first semester of the new semester. The entrance to the school, a banner of _warmly welcome new students_ banner hanging on top, surrounded by banners fluttering. The treble horns the cheerful music, showing the atmosphere of joy and harmony.

A new smile into the campus, their faces, there are joy, curiosity, pride and satisfaction. Freshmen next to the classroom on the wall, posted a list of classes, a group of students surrounded by students, there are separate to their teachers. The class teacher standing in front of the classroom, kindly face with a smile, greeted every new student came to meet.

Let us bless the new students: in the new study and life to achieve good results.


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