

投稿:笔杆子 收藏 下载文档


英语议论文400词模板及范文 第1篇

Nearly every civilization has its own equivalent to the proverb “ No pains, no gains.” It means that nothing can be gained without painstaking efforts and that no knowledge or skill can be acquired without sweat or toil.

You don't have to look very far too prove the truth of the proverb. Darwin's great discovery was not the work of a moment but was preceded by years of patient, arduous observation. Mozart was not an accomplished pianist at the age of eight as the result of watching countless hours of TV. Nor did Edison make himself the greatest inventor in the modern world by spending his spare time on going to parties or bars. His words “Genius is 99 percent perspiration and one percent inspiration ,reveals the secret of thousands of successful men and women. All accomplishments and success come from sustained endeavor.

Although it is an old saying,“ no pains no gains” has its profound and realistic significance in our college studies. To acquire knowledge in a particular field and to attain any academic goals, great exertion and persistent effort are undoubtedly required because we all know that “No pains, no gains.”

英语议论文400词模板及范文 第2篇

A lot of parents like to make choice for their kids, because they believe their children are young and have no idea how to make the best choice. While my parents won’t do it for me, they will leave me the options and then let me make my own decision. I feel being respected and so thankful to them. I have my idea and can take the responsibility.

很多父母喜欢为孩子做出选择,因为他们认为他们的孩子还小,不知道如何做最好的选择。然而我的父母不会为我做抉择, 他们会给我留下一些选择,然后让我自己做决定。我感到受到尊重,很感谢他们。我有我的想法,可以负起责任。

英语议论文400词模板及范文 第3篇


I'm interested in English. English is a very importan language. It is widely used throughout the world. If you travel all over the world, you'll find English everywhere.

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