

投稿:笔杆子 收藏 下载文档


绵阳二诊范文 第1篇



I can still remember every change of intonation whenever I recall what that old lady said to me, “Life may give me up, but I’ll never give up my life.”

She was admitted to hospital because of her stroke(中风)for the second time, which also meant that I need to spend a lot of 16 with her.

Honestly, she was a good patient, with no complaint, no 17 requirements, and she always cooperated with me very well, which I 18 very much. And she always held an optimistic point of view toward her condition, 19 I guessed she knew that there wouldn’t be much improvement. I actually asked why in a 20 way, and she said to me the very sentence. It was not spoken very clearly, since her stroke had 21 the movement of her tongue. I was not moved then, since after spending a few months in this hospital, I was almost 22 .

And that old lady had 23 stroke a few days later, which made her unable to speak or move anymore. I thought she would be 24 as others, lying there, waiting the day, and crying sometimes. But I was wrong. She still held that someday, somehow, she would fully 25 , though both she and I knew the possibility for that was extremely small.

Then, the very sentence she said 26 to me. A patient with absolute no hope still held the optimistic aspect in her life, regardless how 27 it was. How could I lead my life in that way? Since then, I’ve tried harder and worked harder. I would not give up my life either.

16. A. chance B. time C. life D. money

17. A. practical B. unreasonable C. acceptable D. meaningful

18. A. enjoyed B. suffered C. appreciated D. congratulated

19. A. so B. as C. since D. though

20. A. brave B. daring C. secret D. cautious

21. A. affected B. disturbed C. improved D. increased

22. A. indifferent B. frightened C. concerned D. anxious

23. A. other B. another C. few D. little

24. A. silently B. painfully C. exactly D. patiently

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