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英语投诉信的格式和范文 第1篇

Dear Sir,

I‘m Peter, manager of purchasing department in ABC company. I'm writing to lodge a claim (词组:提出索赔) on the 100 cases of apples we ordered from you.

Having confirmed the order date for over one month, we haven't received the goods. This obviously brought great inconvenience and huge loss for us. We will have to cancel this order and buy from another company.

Thank you for your kind understanding!

Sincerely Yours


英语投诉信的格式和范文 第2篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I, as a devoted customer of your online shop, am writing the letter to file my dramatic complaint about the poor quality of your E-book and the poor attitude of your server.

The detailed problems are as follows. To begin with, there is something wrong with screen of the E-book, which has been broken deliberately or unintentionally. In addition, it does not work occasionally, which hamper using ordinarily. Most importantly, the product does not comply with your description previously both in style and faculty. Most importantly, servers response of not providing refund and exchange a new one makes me overwhelmed with outrage.

I would appreciate it if you could refund or exchange a new one for me. I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming

英语投诉信的格式和范文 第3篇

Dear Sir,

I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff member. I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls.

However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude. For one thing she interrupted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own. Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable.

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