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山东专升本历年英语作文范文 第1篇

Dear Jenny,

How is your survey on mobile payment going? I’m glad I can help with it.

It is generally believed that China is the largest mobile payment market. Nowhere else is the cashless trend more obvious than in China. Most of us are used to paying by scanning QR codes whatever we buy—books, clothes, and electronic devices, to name a few, which is a glimpse into the life of most Chinese like me and my family.

With the widespread use of mobile payment, Wechat or Alipay is the most convenient and safest way to pay. We rarely need to carry a wallet or cash at all. Besides, never will we worry about getting fake notes or having to count change. In short, mobile payment has greatly changed people's life in China.

Personally, I think mobile payment should be encouraged. First, it has won over consumers with its convenience. Another advantage is that there are often discounts if you make mobile payment, as major online payment platforms are competing to have more consumers use their service.

I hope my explanation can be of some help to you. Wish you good luck.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

山东专升本历年英语作文范文 第2篇

The good old proverb reminds us that . Indeed, we can learn many things from it.(引出名言,阐明含义)

First of all, . For example, . Secondly, . Another case is that . Furthermore, .(举例说明理由)

In my opinion, .(自己的观点)In short, whatever you do, please remember the saying . If you understand it and apply it to your study or life, you’ll necessarily benefit a lot from it.(总结)

山东专升本历年英语作文范文 第3篇

Dear ,

I’m writing to invite you to .(发出邀请)

There are some points you may want to know about . (活动主题)During ________, we will have lots of activities you are interested in .(活动的具体内容)First, .(活动介绍一)Second, .(活动介绍二)

I believe that you will be very interested in . For one thing/First, ________. For another/Second, ________(受邀人参加的理由)

Since the ________ will begin ________, is it possible ________? I really hope you can come/I’m looking forward to ________.(提出希望)



山东专升本历年英语作文范文 第4篇

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